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August Full Moon

It's still mid-summer in the bay area but somehow autumn and turning inward is in view. Still chilly and foggy in the mornings, clearing up a bit earlier.  Tomatoes ad zucchini are kicking in.  Swallowtail caterpillars on the anise plants.  Pincushions are nearly finished, I need to take them out.  Hibiscus is almost finished.  For some reason the blackberries weren't very tasty this year--maybe too much rain?

Suddenly back in the studio--a series of small collages.  Thinking of flowers in the wilderness--beauty that no one sees and is short lived.  Art can be like this.

The feeling is of consolidation, deepening.  Not reaching out but allowing the relationships I have to deepen, unfold, blossom.  Not of effort but of letting veils drop.  Relationships with people but also with art, tai chi and nature. This somehow feels somewhat overwhelming, stressful even, though it is about letting go.

This is just to say
I have eaten
the plums 
that were in
the icebox

and which 
you were probably
for breakfast

forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams